Someday, without fail, everyone will disappear, scattered into the blackness of time. -- Banana Yoshimoto, Kitchen %% All he had ever prayed for was the ability to catch outfield flies, in answer to which God had bestowed upon him a penis that was bigger than anybody else's. What kind of world came up with such idiotic bargains? -- Haruki Murakami, All God's Children Can Dance %% She was getting to be more and more like our mother. Women are like salmon: In the end, they all swim back to the same place. -- Haruki Murakami, Family Affair %% "I'm not going to die with you just because you made lunch for me. Of course, if it had been dinner..." -- Toru: Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood %% "It's easy to talk big, but the important thing is whether or not you clean up the shit." -- Midori: Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood %% "The futher you travel along a narrow path, the wider it becomes." -- Japanese aesthetic maxim %% "Come down off the cross We can use the wood Come on up to the house" -- Tom Waits, Come On Up To The House %% "Some people live 90 years...and some people live one year 90 times. Which one do you want to be?" -- Manifestis3 from ASF %% "Sperms make no contribution at all and are simply concerned with transporting their genes as fast as possible to an egg." -- what I think is a funny quote, from Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene %% "If you meet the buddha, kill the buddha." -- Lin-chi %% "Water which is too pure has no fish." -- Ts'ai Ken T'an %% "Thinking is more important than knowing, but less interesting than looking." -- Goethe %% I ain't nobody's personal Jesus. %% Do each thing in life as if you were trying to impress your kids. %% "Do you know that a woman is capable of inflicting unspeakable cruelties and mockeries on a man without once feeling any qualms of conscience, because every time she is thinking to herself as she is looking at you: I'm driving him to distraction now, but I shall make up for it later with my love...." -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot %% "It is a lesson which all history teaches wise men, to put trust in ideas, and not in circumstances." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson %% "What is unbearable in life is not being but being one's self." -- Milan Kundera, Immortality %% "Man reckons with immortality, and forgets to reckon with death." -- Milan Kundera, Immortality %% "It is part of the definition of feeling that it is born in us without our will, often against our will. As soon as we want to feel (decide to feel, just as Don Quixote decided to love Dulcinea), feeling is no longer feeling but an imitation of feeling, a show of feeling." -- Milan Kundera, Immortality %% "If I love you, what business is it of yours?" -- Johann van Goethe %% "Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly." -- Voltaire %% "Well, there's no difficulty in marrying a person: one could do it any time. He might marry her to-morrow, and perhaps, murder her a week later." -- Prince Myshkin: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot %% "If you're not using autoconf when building your programs, you can skip this section, and you have my condolences." -- Guile FAQ v1.1 %% "Reforms must be done without regard for sacred cows." -- Junichiro Koizumi, on deregulation (4/2001) %% "Sometimes, nothing's a pretty cool hand." -- Luke in Cool Hand Luke %% "What a man had to go through for a piece of ass in the modern age was highly ridiculous." -- Apollo 440, Tears of the Gods %% Your daddy must have been retarded cause you're special. %% Under the glow of the monitor... and he put pasta on my head.